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Unplug and bloom

With so much going on I’ve found myself wanting to unplug and either binge on some silly TV show or make something. A couple of days ago I listened to the urge to make something and made something quick and simple. I didn’t want to think too much about assembly and I wanted it to be easy. My mind went straight to flowers and I’m sharing them with you.

This trio involves a simple layered (small to large) assembly. A button or quilled paper in the center of the flowers will complete each one. Use them as gift toppers or assemble several in a shadow box. Try to experiment with different papers, textures, and sizes. Make a bunch now so you’ll have them handy when you need them.

Embellishment for the center of the flower:
I used StampinUp embellishments that I’ve had for years for the center of the flowers you see above. Below is a simple DIY quilled version you can make with strips of a contrasting colored paper.

I couldn’t find my quilling tool so I used this 4-pronged one that was at the bottom of my small tools drawer (use what you have!). If you don’t have anything like this simply curl the paper around a pencil several times and then roll the strip tightly and glue shut. I made 7 little rolls, glued them to one another and then on the center of the flower. Easy!

My advice is to unplug from everything drink some tea, or coffee, put on some good music (or a play a movie in the background like I did — Pride and Prejudice!) and have some simple paper fun.

Enjoy and take care of yourselves!

BTW – My comments section is not working right now. My apologies! I’m happy to answer any questions via email.