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Work with what you have

There’s something quite unique that happens when you’re on vacation. We’ve all experienced it and then we quickly forget it. While I was in Italy, I thought about how little I truly need to get through a day and how relaxed I felt. So many silly things that I had all wound up in my head just melted away.

When I’m on vacation everything is so much simpler. I don’t want to forget that feeling. I’m practicing ‘keeping it simple’ in small ways and A Little Hut is definitely in the mix. I’m staying offline as much as I can; I’m reading a couple of books (finally! I love, love reading and miss it dearly) — one book is for fun and one is business related; I’m being more purposeful with what I’m doing around the house and I’m being more present in general. It feels really great and I want to keep it up. I don’t want to feel burned out the way I was feeling a few months ago. I want to work on projects that fit into my schedule — work with the time I have and not overextend myself.

By doing this you’re also getting the best from me. It’s work that I really want you to do — that I think you’ll enjoy. The older I get the more I realize that my A Little Hut projects are my way of spreading ‘feel good moments’. Crafting is such a relaxing and calming activity — it’s therapeutic. It sets your mind at ease and you can’t help but be in the moment and enjoy what you’re doing, otherwise, the glue will end up everywhere but the paper that’s in front of you.

So, yes, I have a ton of ideas but I’m starting with just one file today — an autumn wreath.

The wreath got started as an illustration and my first submission for Inktober (artists from around the world create one ink drawing each day of October). After I finished the drawing the first thing I thought of was holding the cutout in my hands (my mind is never too far from paper). I thought it would be perfect for the shop and now — bonus! — I have something seasonal on my wall. Talk about killing several birds with one stone.

The set includes a coloring page and a digi stamp of the wreath as well. Have fun with it!

Yay for Autumn!


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