This week’s Fairytales Wall Art project started with a sketch that I was going to develop into something for Inktober (a daily ink drawing post activity that occurs every October on Instagram). I redrew the sketch in ink but it didn’t feel quite right. I could, however, see it in my mind as an interesting digital illustration. I tried it out and it worked out.
The following couple of nights I decided to keep going with the fairytale theme – Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Hansel & Gretel all followed. The flow of ideas was so relaxing. When this happens I just go with it. It was perfect therapy for the busy days I had at work too – win, win!
I try making projects that are versatile enough to be used in other forms but the truth is that these Fairytales really are made to be framed — like posters (how about for a modern nursery?). I didn’t try cutting them small enough for cards. I’m not sure it will work with some of the details and thin lines. The look and feel of the illustrations can be changed with the paper used and the background you choose. What about fabric — linen? Oh, yes.
After cutting Snow White for myself (it’s hanging in one of our little corners where I rotate out some of my pieces) I just had to make it available for everyone. So many of my projects go this way. I just make something for fun and then voilá, I know it could be something others may enjoy.
Some of you may notice that the original Snow White (framed above) is different than the final file in the set. I decided that in order for the four images to look cohesive I needed to make some changes and simplifying the image did the trick.
So, here we are — Monday again. On to the next project — which I can tell you will involve something like a gingerbread man. My daughter keeps asking me to make one and I aim to please. I’m grateful that she managed to get me out of my holiday idea rut. I’ve been wanting to make something fun for Christmas and I just couldn’t come up with anything (if you have any, please share in the comments – really!). Now to think about what the gingerbread man or woman will look like. We shall see!
A couple of last things:
- Speaking of Christmas. I have a sale going on this week (it will be over on October 22). Use the coupon code: holiday17 and get a 25% of all Christmas projects.
- I haven’t forgotten about the See the Light Ornaments, more are coming. (Why can’t days be longer than 24hrs?)
- I finally got a chance to give my site a little revamp. I’m not quite done yet but it was in a matter of speaking ‘dusty’ and now it doesn’t feel like that. My photo needs to be updated — now that’s a serious fairytale. I have tons of gray hair that I need to be honest about. Haha!
Have a great week everyone!